Monday 7 May 2007

The Times They Have Changes

As Bob Dylan tours Europe we can see that a lot has changed since his 1961 debut at the Gaslight club, for instance he no longer yodels. Dylan at he time had friendly competition with the likes of Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles and The rolling Stones, now 65 years old he has to compete with Youtube and Justin Timberlake. He recently released Modern times, which got him a Grammy and his first number one since 1976’s Desire.

As his tour starts, fans don’t know what to expect with Dylan's constant changing and nit-picking of the songs and his faded voice but Dylan still has it, according to Regina hackett of the Seattle PI Dylan “still spares no mystique”. Being a young fan and having a ticket for his April show I often wonder if he is powerful ‘live’ or a disappointment, I know he wont be as animated as AC DC but listening to his last record I know I wont be let down. As Dylan said himself “Time will tell who has fell and who’s been left behind”.

Snag (Guest, From Paris)

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